Audience Research: Thriller Ratings and Reviews
Silence of the Lambs - Received an average 8.6/10 on IMDb (from 938,231 ratings) - Received an average 8.5/10 on Rotten Tomatoes (from...
Sounds Used in Thriller Opening (1)
As of the time this is written, we are using four different sounds within the thriller opening. - SOUND EFFECTS Since this video contains...
Editing (2) : Sound
After filming our final opening, we have been able to begin the editing process. Before we did, however, we felt it would be a good idea...
Editing Research: What Makes a Good Thriller?
It is clear, from researching, that Thriller films depend a lot on the timing of clips and the speed at which they are shown. - A lot of...
Thriller Research: Camera
There are a number of different shots used in thriller films to create an effect. - Bird's Eye Shot This shot is used within...