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Board Meeting (14): Question seven for Evaluation

Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the final product?

- Discuss the planning / research / storyboarding / creation of animatic and a detailed planning helped produce a thriller

> each had individual jobs whereas the prelim was more group effort

> all did our own individual research which gave us more to finalise a genre for our thriller

> one storyboard for our initial idea but we don't have one for the final edit of that idea as it was changed throughout production - storyboard was better for prelim as it helped set it out and the real storyboard for our final product got pushed back for more important aspects

> filmed the majority of the shots and edited together to get a general look which then developed as we continued

> we also did a list of shots and a timeframe to ensure everything was filmed

- Has your use of specific shot types improved?

> yes

> POV shots

> close ups

> match-on-action

- Do you feel more confident with the equipment?

> yes

>we could use the tripod well with the camera for smoother shots but went unused due to not fitting with the shakier / raw atmosphere we wanted

- How successful do you feel your end product is as fulfilling the task?

> very successful

> it fits with the mysterious atmosphere of a thriller film

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