Board Meeting (12): Question five for Evaluation
How did you attract / address your audience?
- Link to audience (age / gender etc.)
> 13 - 19 year olds
> male and female
> middle class
> white
> heterosexual
- Are there particular points in your film that would appeal to or particularly terrify a certain age or gender. If yes, explain in detail.
> being followed could scare younger girls as they feel more vulnerable
> being out alone at night also scare the younger audience as it would still be unusual for them to be out alone
> being unaware of someone following you is creepy for any age
- Consider use of camerawork
> Close up of eyes makes the audience connect with the film as it seems like you are closer to them emotionally and physically
> Dramatic irony of the audience knowing she's being followed but she's unaware and when Josh is about to be attacked we know the Hidden Figure is there but he doesn't
> the shots of the phone makes it relatable to the current generation who are always with their phones and makes it feel more realistic and shows that they're just ordinary people much like the audience
- Whos it the audience asked to put themselves in the position of, what are they being allowed to witness?
> Kind of the situation of both characters
> although from an outsiders perspective
> Starts with Emma and ends with focus on Josh - we did this to appeal to both a male and female audience
> They can see everything including what the characters don't see / notice
> Only at the end do they have both perspectives in the same place - when it's all about to go wrong, it makes it unpredictable until the final moments
- What impact does that have?
> makes the audience the voice of reason, unbiased by not being on anyone's side
> shows the characters making stupid mistakes yet they're insignificant enough to be classes as everyday mistakes
> but they're not overly stupid that it's annoying / comedic
- Link to generic conventions and the creation of suspense
> the fact you can't do anything to change their actions which you know are going to end badly
> unpredictable as they could make the right choice but they could also mess up