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Board Meeting (10): Question three for Evaluation

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

- Would this be something that could be produced by a major Hollywood studio, if yes then why? Is it similar to existing products?

> maybe 20th Century Fox

> classic thriller with a twist

> has some cliché conventions which audiences like as they are already familiar with the genre

> similar to "Taken"

- Would it be a TV movie?

> most likely not

> mental health dealt with which is a socially sensitive subject for many

- Would it be an art-house film?

> maybe

> again because it deals with a socially sensitive topic some may see it as a smaller film that doesn't have a wide audience

-Would it be an internet only release?

> no

> we would want more platforms (DVD, Blu-Ray, VOD)

-Why would it be released? Does it offer opportunities for franchises and/or merchandising?

> possibly offers a game

> potentially turned into a book

> release for entertainment purposes

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