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Character Profile: Hidden Figure

Played by Evie Davis


Unknown Age

Unknown Gender

The Hidden Figure lingers in the background of shots, and paired with Josh's voiceover, saying '...Anyone could be out there.', the Hidden Figure is supposed to make the audience feel uneasy.

At this point in the thriller - the opening two minutes - we wanted the Hidden Figure to be as ambiguous as possible, so that it isn't too easy to identify them later on in the film once they come in as an unmasked character. In order to do this, initially we kept the figure in the background of shots, making it hard for the audience to distinguish height, build or gender.


Bulky black coat

Blue chinos

Brown shoes

We wanted to avoid the cliché of a mysterious or 'bad' character wearing all black, so we varied the colours that the Hidden Figure was wearing.

We also wanted to draw parallels between Josh and the Hidden Figure using their costume, in order to foreshadow the twist ending to the whole thriller film- that Josh himself planned the whole kidnapping.

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